how does it make money

But wait. Why is bit. Every character counts. They use desktop clients or browser based tools instead which incorporate one service or the other. For instance, TweetDeck a popular Twitter client uses bit. The bit.

Just paste in the URL you want to shorten, click go and you are done-. So we will focus entirely Paid Link Shorteners that give you all the advantages of a normal shorteners but with the added ability to make money.

The layer is added between a shortened URL and destination page and this is how money comes into play. Secondly, you transform leaving visitors into profit and last but not least, short links can be used everywhere, e. When I discovered paid link shorteners, they appeared to be a great additional stream of revenue for two of my websites, so I decided to give them a try. As I trust numbers and stats more than opinions of casual users, I decided to conduct my own tests to find the highest paying URL shortener that actually pays out.

Finally, I selected four brands:. I included them in the test because of good payout rates and my curiosity about their performance as they fight with two strong players and want to earn themselves the biggest possible slice of this cake.

When a visitor clicked a movie cover, a shortener displayed an ad and then the visitor was redirected to a desired page to see a movie trailer. To setup a quick test I launched a paid campaign PPV with a run of the mill pop-under ad to drive traffic. Tracking Traffic with Google Analytics I took advantage of Google Analytics event tracking best practices to track all of my traffic. Data from Paid Shortener Dashboards I created a few links and sent them traffic, one link per country.

In the screens below I present the number of Unique Clicks how many unique visitors were diplayed an ad and how much money I earned from those uniqe visitors. Taking all data into consideration-. Please note, that there are no stats for Ouo. Moreover, Admy pays 0. You get good payout rates with Urle. Urle is one of the fastest-growing link shortener networks with a good CPM rate.

Urleco is a good alternative for Shorte. However, its referral program is not attractive compared to other url shortener networks. So, if you are looking for a simple and high paying URL shortener website to make money online, then adhy.

What you have to do is, to join this network and shorten your URLs. You can make use of sort option to find the URL shorteners that pay high, pay low, pays for the specific country and how long the website exists. Though you will be in a bit dizzy state, yet you would have been thrilled to know the ample of choices available to make easy money through shortening your URLs.

The money is definitely yours until you are willing to share…Start Your Ride. Thank you! Hello you a wonderful work online business investors, especially for those beginners that need training stuffs like those URL Shortener Websites.

I already got over view just in one day. I have been losing view for 2times. I have screenshoot. Nice post, I personally recommend geb. So it can be used after shortening on other websites, so in case these websites closed you can easily edit the target of the url at anytime from your dashboard. Hi, I have this question: Does these url shorteners pay users from African countries or is it worldwide for everyone?.

Each website has its own payment procedures. Great effort and information Alex. Comments are way good source of assessments and evaluation which links are good. Continue the journey! I have tried most of URL shorten they just keep posting ads and will not count most of people that click the link.

Multiple views from the same viewer are also counted thus you will be benefiting from all your traffic. Thanks For sharing such a nice list of url shortener and i use Adfly mostly but now i try these site also. Hey Punith, you should add ExoBucks. Their shortener works with all of the popular paid shorteners. You basically connect your account, they analyze each click and send it to the shortener that their system detects will pay the most.

Nice list man love your blogs anyone can try my website shrinki. I use Greenlinks. Its a spin on paid link shortner sites.

You just short the link, add the price you want to receive for access and share the link. No make 8 dollars per views. I had a link that made in clicks because users just wanted to get access and pay a small fee for it, instead of going thru all the ads, reroutes, spam, malware and other nonsense some of these sites throw at users.

I call it the Cash App of link shortners. You should add to the list. Hello, I would like to suggest you add ccurl. We are actively paying since Thanks bro! I have never seen a url shortener like that! Thank you really much! Are all sites still paying and did you check them all?

I am using most of them on the list. Probably in upcoming days, I should complete using all URL shortens. If you can share with me the scam experience may see the possibilities to cover them in this blog post. Does all Link shortner platform requires per 1k views to generate money? If not please specify the platform name.

It depends on the url shorten providers. So whats the short link you are suggesting? Is it possible? We have created a completely free URL shortener which Eazy. Link Controls 3. Privacy Control 4. Link Management 5. Powerful Dashboard 6. Full Statistics 7. Team Creation 9. Geo Targetting Splash Pages Tracking Pixels Custom Domains Unlimited Links Powerful API.

I used one of the shortener and it created a link with https. Your list is full of scam url shortener or closed sites so, add shrinkearn. All these websites are replica of each other. They all follow same process. There is no much difference of registering in more than one. Thanks For sharing this brief post. Today We Are Going To share a Link shortner Website with you, we know that you are already working with another shotners So you will ask why we should work on This new site, This site we are talking about will pay you daily and weekly and will give the highest Payout rate Worldwide.

The best part of this site is that you will get instant telegram and email support in case of any problem. On this link shortener site you will find many payment methods, so that you will not face any difficulty in receiving payment. Here we are sharing Shortening Website Link, contact email id and Telegram channel link, if you have any question, you can ask without any Hesitation.

Website Link — Urlpays. Maybe you should mention about ad server for url shorteners. Vivoldi also allows free users to view statistics by country, operating system, browser and device. I use every single day Bit. But when you want to have something free, with statistics and more simple. I use shtn. Has the normal factors for a good shortener, but atst, is easy to use.

These sites seem to come and go pretty fast. I found this up to date website which has all the payrates of the ones currently available and are popular and not a scam — shorteners. But i want to ask about why u not include za. Bro your article is very helpful.

Bro I have found a very interesting website for users. Hello sir,, I need a list of those link shorteners, what dont show harassing, fake,adult,sex relevant ads to my visitor! Sir, please try to place them on top they are good and deserving one :. So, I got hooked up on this link shortener. They promise on their website that money get paid out until 7th every month. Today is 18th and I got nothing. I beleive this is scam. I would really recommend it! You forget oyelink.

This url shortner is really amazing. Hi, I am admin of website link-rise. I wanted to ask if you could update the article with me site. Very good list of best url shortener to make money. I certainly appreciate this blogpost. Stick with it! Thanks for the marvelous information Punith, I would like to ad upon a point, Some of the Best URL shortener Websites allows us to make money when we use them to shorten the long URLs from various websites.

This method of making money does not require to have any blog or website, not mandatory but there is a bonus point if we have one. This is a great way of earning a little bit extra, thanks for citing out different high paying URL shortener websites! There are a lot of URL shorteners websites available to pay. I have seen ouo. Sir, Very good post. I am new to the blogging. Can you advice using these url shortners services are good? Shivam, If your objective is about making money, absolutely you can try these url shorteners to make money.

Thanks for the blog. Money Making online using URL shortener websites is one of the easiest and simplest work. We get money simply when someone clicks our sharing shorten URL link. I am sure you know more number of highest paying url shorteners, which will increase the chances of earning. They are paying more than other other urls shorteners network in the industry.

Thanks for the list of URL shortener websites to earn money online, almost all the people are searching ways to earn online, the provided list of websites helped me a lot.

You can also track the url clicks without signup and login. Manish, You can choose any url shorteners which supports paypal payment. Using paypal you can get paid in India. Although great list of url shorteners.

My personal favorites are goo. Anyways Thanks for the useful post. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. November 21, Affiliates , Earn Money Online. Table of Contents.

Lia November 8, at pm. Hawssan October 8, at pm. Will you lose all your valuable tracking data? Will all those links simply die? Could it break the web? For tr.


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