Improve this question. It is an integral equation. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. Perhaps more obvious to say that you do more work because you apply the force over a longer distance. A force applied for 1 min at an average of 25 mph is applied over a longer distance than when applied for 1 min at an average of 15 mph. Of course the real answer is that the word "energy" is just defined to make it so.
But from 20 to thirty, speed is 1. Featured on Meta. Now live: A fully responsive profile. Linked Related Hot Network Questions. Physics Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled. Glenn, thanks for your answers. I am still thinking about kinetic energy. In the 17th century, experiments by Willem Jacob 's Gravesande showed that the striking of a ball in clay was proportional to squared velocity and later on a French physician showed it was proportional to 'mass times squared velocity'.
What is it about, is my question? How to get the formulae not by math manipulation, but from experimental considerations?
By the way, I explained to a friend the idea of matter-motion by using examples and despite he is a dummy in math and physics, the matter-motion explanation seems to be more appropriate to grasp physics even at his age of Thanks again for the comment. Before the Gravesande experiment, one would have thought that doubling the velocity of a microcosm would result in double the impact. Not so. As you mentioned, the doubling of velocity causes four times the impact. In other words, a microcosm impacting a soft, wet clay at velocity 2v will create a crater 4 times as deep as a microcosm impacting the clay at velocity v; an auto crashing into a wall at 40 mph will suffer 4 times the damage as one crashing into a wall at 20 mph.
Your question: What gives? I am afraid that this is one occasion in which I will not be able to avoid math, as much as I would like too. The simple reason that velocity is squared is the fact that there is a macrocosm. This observation, the law of the universe, makes Newton the most brilliant scientist who ever lived.
Motion With a Macrocosm. While the First Law is just an astute observation concerning inertia, this Second Law describes causality. A cause produces acceleration, that is, a change in velocity. The force concept is a handy, necessary mathematization. It is especially useful when we really do not know the actual cause. The true cause of the acceleration of any particular microcosm must be at least one other microcosm that collides with it.
Incidentally, this is why determinists deny the possibility of ESP. Back to velocity squared… As generally explained, the Second Law is all about increasing the velocity of microcosms acceleration. The collider hits the collidee. The same equations explain the opposite result deceleration when the situation is reversed and the collidee becomes the collider and the collider becomes the collidee.
In either case, we are recognizing the effect of the macrocosm—the presence of something other than empty space. So what does all this mean? Instead, we define energy as a calculation: the multiplication of a term for matter times a term for motion. The illustration above shows how the microcosm gets its motion even before it collides with the clay. Of course, this question becomes moot for an infinite universe—there is always yet another microcosm to do the pushing.
If you have ever pushed a car out of the ditch, you will have some practical feel for this. It takes a lot of work Fd, force over a distance to get a vehicle from zero velocity to any velocity at all.
The heavier the vehicle m , the harder it is; the farther you have to push it d , the harder it is. From the car example, we learn that the velocity of a microcosm cannot be increased or decreased instantaneously.
The speed of light squared is a colossal number, illustrating just how much energy there is in even tiny amounts of matter. Velocity Equations for these calculations: Final velocity v squared equals initial velocity u squared plus two times acceleration a times displacement s. Solving for v, final velocity v equals the square root of initial velocity u squared plus two times acceleration a times displacement s. Unable to stop grinning, she ran her words together with kinetic energy.
At all other times her body seemed to obey the physical law that kinetic energy increases mass. Kinetic energy as it hits is 6. They were kinetic energy weapons. When you let go of that ball and let it fall, the potential energy converts into kinetic energy , or the energy associated with motion. There are five types of kinetic energy : radiant, thermal, sound, electrical and mechanical. Let's explore several kinetic energy examples to better illustrate these various forms.
Moving cars possess some amount of kinetic energy. Bullet From a Gun. A bullet fired from a gun has very high kinetic energy, and, so, it can easily penetrate any object. Flying Airplane. Cricket Ball. The change in the kinetic energy of the object as the speed changes is proportional to the square of the factor by which the speed changes.
Similarly, if the speed of the object triples the kinetic energy becomes nine times the initial kinetic energy.
What happen to the kinetic energy of its velocity become double? The energy possessed by a body because of its motion, equal to one half the mass of the body times the square of its speed is called its kinetic energy. Hence, when velocity is doubled , kinetic energy becomes 4 times. The energy an object had due to its motion. What factors affect an objects kinetic energy and potential energy?
The kinetic energy of an object depends on both its mass and its speed. Kinetic energy increased as mass and speed are increased. The kinetic energy of an object depends on both its mass and velocity, with its velocity playing a much greater role. Examples of Kinetic Energy : A downhill skier traveling down a hill has a large amount of kinetic energy because of their mass and high velocity. Kinetic energy can be stored.